Seeing as my account seems to think it's hilarious playing Cheap Trick's The Flame at least once a day and I get so caught up in singing along that I don't even realize half the time just exactly what I'm singing along to, I thought I'd post a couple of songs that truly have been rocking my proverbial socks lately.
So here you go:
Bare Wires - Artificial Clouds
I came across Bare Wires while reading forum posts on some cruddy hipster website awhile back. Someone had suggested "Looking For Some Action" as a perfect garage pop song. I looked everywhere, and couldn't find it. Eventually ended up ordering the single from the band's website. It came amidst a flurry of other packages and got tossed aside and forgotten until a couple of weeks ago when I decided to give my record collection some long needed lovin'.
I ended up listening to it ten times in a row. Now it's burned in forever.
Here, I'm going to save you all the pain of hunting everywhere and just post this here because you know, you're all fucking worth it.
We were shaking off the shade from the Missiles of October...
A lo-fi masterclass recorded in 2010, but released two years later after
multiple, painstaking revisions.
**Please do not reveal artist in comments!**
5 days ago